One of the best things about being an Edmonton Maternity photographer is welcoming back clients when they are expecting their second child. My very first maternity session I ever did was with Kaila and Daniel when they were expecting Araya to arrive. Soon there will be another tiny member of the Ross Family to love, snuggle and create memories with! I have loved being apart
Kaila and Daniel had the most gorgeous bedroom with amazing light coming through their bedroom windows. We did a lot of photos in their bedroom and we got to capture quite a few different looks Araya has. Araya loves to dance and was dancing up a storm during the maternity session. It was so cute to see this! We headed outside after to capture a few more around their yard. I am so in love with all these photos and am so honoured I got to capture this special time. I can’t wait to meet their new baby girl! Congrats Kaila, Daniel and the new big sister to be, Araya!
[…] Click her to see Cali’s Maternity Session! […]